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Welcome Address by:
National President

With a cheerful heart, I welcome you all to the Aglow International - Ghana.

What glorious and happy moment of joy we share when we come together in the presence of the Lord. A time to share pleasantries and love, a time to fellowship and worhsip our Saviour together. We are grateful and especially welcome the First Timers and all our online visitors.

When we reflect on past years we would realise the great transformation that has taken place in our lives when we came to know Jesus. The love, mercies, protection and riches of blessings God has showned us. Our faithful walk of obedience is a beacon of God's love and truth. Let us not be selfish but let our testimonies be like beams of warm light piercing the cold darkness of the world, drawing the brokenhearted, depressed and oppressed to Jesus assuring them that Someone loves them and waits to welcome them home.

May your devine encounter with the Lord throughout your fellowship with us continue to burn within you as a light in your neighbourhood. (Matthew 5:16)

Stay Blessed.

Dorothy Danso (Dr. Mrs.)

National President