Aglow International is a network of caring and praying women dedicated to promoting the welfare and caring of women and teenage girls. Our new tag line will replace "a network of caring women". While we are still that, we have grown to a new place that encompases so much more. Our new tag line is "Every nation touched, eyery heart changed".
AGLOW INTERNARTIONAL, Ghana has about 300 fellowships throughtout the country. It has over the years ministered to the welfare of women irrespective of race, colour, religion and creed.
Aglow's Mission Statement
Our Mission statement is "in house" and explains how we intend to do the things our vision statement says. An effective mission statement is specific and descriptive of the actual work to be undertaken by a movement. It should answer the questions, "Why do we exist?" and "What do we do?". With that in mind, our mission statement is:
Aglow International is a Kingdom Movement commited to seeing God's will done on earth as it is in Heaven.
We do this through:
- Mobilizing millions into a company of warriors, champions, and global leaders of significance.
- Establishing powerful Kingdom Communities founded on the fullness of Christ in every nation of the world.
- Empowering people to develop resources that enable them to take advantage of all that God is releasing from Heaven.
- Forming apostolic teams that demonstrate the power of Heaven in the darkest places of earth.
- Cultivating a worldwide presence that creates an atmosphere of celebration, impartation, and restoration.