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Aglow's Women Training School

A network of caring and praying women dedicated to promoting the welfare and caring of women and teenage girls.

Aglow International with its caring nature has recognized that the family nucleus of which the women is the centre needs to be nurtured and encouraged to provide the needed support for the family. It is a well-accepted fact that if a child is trained from infancy she will not depart from it when she grows. This has led to the realization that the girl child is an important part of the growing process and therefore needs to be trained while she is young. Many of these girls were unable to complete their education due to poverty, neglect, disability, teenage pregnancy, HIV, etc. 

Aglow has the welfare of these teenage girls at heart and it is the desire of the Aglow Ministry to offer support to them through the establishment of a vocational centre.


The fundamental objective of this proposed project is to train young women who lack employable skills to acquire a vocation. Specifically, the project will have the following objectives:

  • Reduce unemployment among women
  • Assist in rehabilitating young delinquent women
  • Develop their vocational talents
  • Assist them to acquire employable skills
  • Assist in community development
  • Assist in the overall development of the nation's human resource


The training program will include but not limited to the following:

  • Computer training
  • Craft and handiwork
  • Some management and catering
  • Sewing and dressmaking
  • Textiles and batik making
  • Hairdressing and styling
  • Secretarial studies
  • Book keeping and accounting
  • Communication skills
  • Basic education


The project will be implemented in phases as indicated below:


Construction and furnishing of classroom, hostels and administrative block accommodation for Director and key staff, developing of training manual and installation of office equipment. Admission of the first batch of fifty (50) students as well as the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff would also be made during the first phase.


Construction of Auditorium for workshops, housing for other members of staff, the training of staff and the training of teaching staff would begin in the second phase of the project.


Construction of a chapel and retreat centre and a great hall for conference meetings would be undertaken during this phase. It is planned that some of the projects that due to lack of funds could not be completed in the first phase, for example would be carried over to the next stage.